Ordinary Epics

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Favorite Five Leg Workout for Cyclists

Last week we talked a bit about L2 rides being a great way to shed some fatigue and start building your winter base. The next thing you can think about layering on in the winter are some deep leg and hip exercises.

Get warmed up with some easy riding then you can knock out this routine in about 30 minutes.

If you have not done any strength work in a while, you can do this the first couple of times with NO weights to focus on proper form and easy into it. Three sets of ten reps is the sweetspot for this workout. Schedule this in with some core work a few times a week and you’ll be good to go.

Goblet Squats
Good Mornings
Kettlebell Swings

The video below is chaptered so you can skip to a particular exercise you might need some help with.

We have a pretty small space for a home gym so I like the versatility of kettlebells and we also have a set of Bowflex adjustable dumbbells that work really well.

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